Komunikaty PR

Cushman & Wakefield partners with Helping Hand

2022-02-07  |  11:00
Biuro prasowe

Global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield continues to expand its benefit package to address the needs of its employees and has partnered with Helping Hand, a platform offering a wide range of psychoeducational tools and access to individual online therapies – everything that provides comprehensive support on your way to achieving mental well-being and a better understanding of your emotions.

Helping Hand is the first platform in Poland offering comprehensive and tailor-made psychological support to employees and their families, including valuable educational content and meetings with therapists. Platform users are able to deepen their knowledge of personal development and to solve everyday problems.

Thanks to the partnership with Helping Hand, since the beginning of 2022, all the employees of Cushman & Wakefield in Poland have been able to enjoy unlimited access to psychoeducational materials supporting personal development such as interviews with specialists, webinars, workshops, videos and articles. The employees may also choose individual, anonymous consultations with a therapist such as chats, voice rooms and online meetings.

The collaboration with Helping Hand is aligned with the entrepreneurial culture of Cushman & Wakefield, while the input from experts cooperating with the platform adds value to the app and demonstrates that the provided support is effective. This innovative mental health solution is one of the pillars of Cushwake Cares, a well-being programme designed to increase the awareness of building a healthy life through a holistic approach.   

“The Covid-19 pandemic has been a major challenge for all of us both from a business and personal perspective. At Cushman & Wakefield we are committed to building an organisational culture that drives business excellence sustainably while focusing on our employees and their everyday needs. So far we have organized a number of webinars on physical and mental health and provided individual consultations with psychologists. Our collaboration with Helping Hand is an innovative and comprehensive solution that provides an educational component on the one hand and offers support in individual cases on the other. The platform was built by fantastic people and the actual offer is prepared by specially trained experts. We have plenty of space for flexibility and partnership cooperation, which we value very highly,” says Anna Trochim, Head of HR, Cushman & Wakefield.

“The hardships of the pandemic and the transition to remote working have only confirmed us in our conviction of the importance of having direct contact with another human being and constant access to therapeutic advice or preventive educational content. Cushman & Wakefield is a well-informed company that fully understands the employer’s pivotal role in supporting the mental health of employees. We remain hopeful that our cooperation will be an inspiration for others and that employee benefits comprising psychological support will soon become a standard on the Polish market – and even more so, because market data shows that investing in the physical health and mental well-being of employees also directly translates into a better financial bottom line of an organisation,” says Aleksandra Tokarewicz, Board Member, Product and Sales Officer in the company managing the Helping Hand platform.

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