Komunikaty PR

Construction of the Neo Natolin single-family housing estate has started

2023-01-24  |  11:00
Biuro prasowe

Neo Natolin is a modern housing estate being developed in Warsaw’s Wilanów district on ul. Korbońskiego. The project is owned by development group Real Management S.A., which will build 300 houses with accompanying infrastructure on a 36.5-hectare property. The first stage of the project—construction work on the foundation for the structures—has already begun.

Neo Natolin is a premium single-family housing estate. The development is distinguished by its elegant and modern architecture and top-quality solutions that will provide neighbouring families with privacy and numerous amenities. The houses will be built as semidetached structures and will only be connected to each other by garages, ensuring maximum privacy for residents. Each house will have its own plot of 580–990 m2. 70% of space will be biologically active area. The estate plan provides for numerous green spaces, public squares, a pond, and nooks with minor architectural features.

Earth works are currently being carried out involving soil replacement. The ground is also being prepared for the public and internal roads of the development. Work is also underway to create platforms for the foundation slabs of the houses. So far, five platforms have been made and handed over to the contractor who will execute the foundation slabs.

The contractors for the construction work of the first stage are DTM s.j. and Totalbud S.A. In January 2023, they started work on execution of the pre-lockup stage, sanitary and internal electrical installations, among other things. The construction walls of the first five houses are scheduled to be erected in the near future.

“The preparation phase is behind us, and we are starting further work,” said Jerzy Motz, chair of the supervisory board of Real Management S.A. “According to the agreed schedule, the project will be ready to welcome residents in the third quarter of 2024. We believe in the enormous potential of this development, which presents a new quality in single-family housing. In addition to the outstanding architectural design, our estate also stands out for its excellent location, which provides easy access to Warsaw’s vibrant city centre on the one hand, and green areas for unwinding and active leisure on the other. We are already seeing very strong interest in this project.”

Schools (including some of the most prestigious in Warsaw), kindergartens, medical centres, large grocery stores, the Galeria Ursynów shopping mall, and restaurants are all within walking distance of the development. And thanks to its proximity to areas such as the Natolin Nature Reserve and the Kabaty Forest, Neo Natolin will provide its residents with access to green spaces and offer many recreational and sporting opportunities.

The development is well connected to the centre of Warsaw and provides a convenient connection to the outskirts of the city. The Kabaty metro station and other public transport stops are not far from the estate. The proximity of the S2 expressway is also a major advantage.

The architectural design of the entire estate was created by the renowned studio APA Wojciechowski. Internity Home will help the future residents with interior design.

Real Management S.A. has already launched the process of selling Neo Natolin houses. It is the company’s third project in the single-family development category. Its portfolio also includes Rezydencje Chojnów, a complex of 30 houses, and Rezydencje Pałacowa, with 48 luxury houses.

More information about the project is available at: https://neonatolin.com/

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