Helping Hand’s strategic partnership with ALAB laboratoria
The mental health support platform Helping Hand is introducing new expert content for its users, expanding its resources with a new thematic section, MedExpert. The zone, created in cooperation with ALAB laboratoria, will primarily feature educational content on physical health diagnosis and prevention. This part of the platform, as well as its other features, will remain completely anonymous and available 24/7.
ALAB laboratoria is one of the largest Polish networks of diagnostic laboratories, which covers more than 90 medical laboratories and more than 550 collection points. The company offers its patients more than 3,500 diagnostic tests, both basic and highly specialized. As part of its partnership with Helping Hand, experts from ALAB laboratoria will share their expertise with the platform’s users on the importance of preventive healthcare, including laboratory diagnostics. The content will be created primarily in video format (interviews with experts). The zone will be launched this August.
“We’re thrilled to be working with ALAB laboratoria, because it’s through this partnership that we can expand our platform with high-quality educational medical content focussing on physical health, and thus take care of our users holistically,” said Aleksandra Tokarewicz, board member and Product and Sales Director at Helping Hand. “This is a brand new chapter in Helping Hand’s operations and further proof that we are a dynamically growing organization not only in business terms but also in the value delivered to the users of the platform. Our business began, after all, with a platform to help solve addiction problems. Since the pandemic, we have expanded it to include support tools for various mental difficulties. In May this year, we launched the Mindfulness zone, and now the MedExpert section. There is no doubt that we have created a solution that, based on the knowledge of our experts and properly designed technology, meets the needs of the modern human and cares for their well-being. But we are not slowing down. We are working every day on the development of our product, currently focusing primarily on the technological layer.”
Anna Janas-Sanecka, Marketing Director at ALAB laboratoria, commented: “We are happy to share our medical knowledge with the users of the Helping Hand platform. When creating dedicated educational content for the MedExpert zone, our aim was to introduce the platform’s users to topics related to laboratory diagnostics in the broadest sense. Most of us do not realize how many diseases can be diagnosed at a very early stage through performing basic laboratory tests, even before they have developed enough to present unpleasant, easily identifiable symptoms. Prevention is the key to everyday health.”
Helping Hand solutions can be used by companies that wish to provide their employees with holistic mental health support in the form of non-wage benefits. In the past six months alone, companies deciding to start cooperating with Helping Hand, and thus provide their teams with full mental health support, include international real estate consultancy Cushman & Wakefield, world leader in the pharmaceutical industry Angelini Pharma, global leader in contact centre services Teleperformance, international retailer Makro Cash & Carry, global logistics leader DHL Global Forwarding, and Polish pharmaceutical company Verco.
Video presenting the MedExpert zone is available for downloading at the link below:
![Warsztaty pierrnikowe z fundacją Gryfne Bajtle Biuro prasowe](/files/_uploaded/glownekonf_1104621877,w_300,wo_300,ho_169,_small.jpg)
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